WCS Student Code of Conduct
(click above to download)
Vision: A Community of Learning, Caring & Sharing
Mission: Lifelong Learning
The Westclife Composite School Student Code of Conduct supports our school in maintaining a safe, nurturing, participatory and productive learning environment. In order to maximize learning time and promote positive behaviors, our school has establish multi-tiered systems of support for students’ social, emotional and behavioral needs. This includes developing clear expectations, teaching social-emotional competencies, and fostering positive relationships among all members of the school community. In accordance with this code of conduct, all disciplinary responses must be applied respectfully, fairly, consistently, and protect students’ rights to instructional time whenever possible. A safe, welcoming, and productive school requires the support of all staff, students, and families.
Westcliffe Composite School is located in the village of Marengo, Saskatchewan. The school meets the educational needs of the villages of Marengo, Flaxcombe, Alsask, Loverna and Hoosier and their surrounding areas. Westcliffe is a Kindergarten to Grade Twelve School. The vast majority of students are conveyed to and from school by school bus.
Table of Contents
Part One – Rights and Responsibilities
Part Two – School Information
Daily Schedule, Start and end times, Common Area Code of Conduct, Parent Communication, School Fees, Lockers, Report Cards
Part Three – Academic Expectations
Attendance, Course Load, Assignment expectations, Graduation Requirements, Sun West School Division Rubric
Part Four – Student Conduct
Open/Closed campus, Student vehicles, staying after school, clothing, use of school phones, digital citizenship, gym use
Part Five – School Bus Rules and Regulations
Part Six – Extra-Curricular
Part Seven – Discipline Statement
Part One: Rights and Responsibilities
Student Rights
• To receive a free high-quality public education
• To be safe at school
• To be treated fairly, courteously, and respectfully
• To bring complaints or concerns to the school staff, and administration for resolution
• To tell his/her side of the story before receiving a consequence
• To be told the reason(s) for any disciplinary action verbally (and in writing for Major Offences)
• To be given information about appealing disciplinary actions
Student Responsibilities
• To read and become familiar with this policy
• To attend school daily, prepare for class, and complete class and homework assignments to the best of his/her ability
• To know and follow school rules and instructions given by the school administration, teachers, and other staff
• To tell school staff about any dangerous behavior or bullying that occurs at school, on the way to and from school, or in the school community
• To bring to school only those materials that are allowed
• To treat everyone in the school community with respect
• To respect school property, community property, and the property of others
Parent/Guardian Rights
• To be actively involved in their child’s education
• To be treated fairly and respectfully by the school administration, teachers, and other staff
• To access information about the Sun West School Division policies and procedures
• To be notified promptly if their child is disciplined for inappropriate or disruptive behavior and informed of the consequences assigned
• To appeal disciplinary actions taken
• To receive information about their child’s academic and behavioral progress
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
• To read and become familiar with this Code of Conduct
• To make sure their child attends school regularly, on time, and to notify the school before the school day begins if their child is absent
• To give the school accurate and current contact information
• To tell school officials about any concerns or complaints respectfully and in a timely manner
• To work with the teachers and school administration to address any academic or behavioral concerns regarding their child
• To talk with their child about the behavior expected in school
• To support their child’s learning and school activities at home
• To be respectful and courteous to staff, other parents, guardians, and students
• To respect other students’ privacy rights
Part Two: School Information
WESTCLIFFE IS A NON-SMOKING, NON TOBACCO PRODUCTS SCHOOL: Our school and school grounds have been designated as non-smoking areas as set out in Sun West School Division policy manual and by Provincial Law.
Westcliffe Composite School is a Kindergarten to Grade Twelve School.
The school’s phone number is 1-306-968-2939.
2015- 2016 SCHOOL YEAR
Grade 7-12
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
10:57 -11:49
Lunch 11:49-12:34
Period 4
12:34 -1:26
Period 5
1:30 – 2:22
Period 6
2:26 –3:18
2015- 2016 SCHOOL YEAR
Grade K-6
Class Session 1
Class Session 2
10:53 -11:52
Lunch 11:52-12:32
Class Session 3
12:32 -2:18
Class Session 4
2:33 –3:18
Elementary Recess: Morning 10:38AM-10:53 AM
Afternoon 2:18 PM-2:33 PM
4. Students should not be arriving at school prior to 8:30 AM unless they have made previous arrangements with a member of the Westcliffe staff. School buses normally arrive at school between 8:30 am and 8:45 am.
5. All Kindergarten to Grade 6 students are expected to go outside at recesses and at lunch once they are finished eating (weather permitting).
6. Grades Seven to Twelve students have the choice of going outside or remaining inside at lunch-time. Noon gym activities are organized for these students.
Three Way Conferences, between student/parents/teachers are held twice a year. One session is held in the fall and another session is held in the spring. Parents will be notified of the dates and times. Parents are invited to contact the school outside of these times and set up meetings to discuss their child’s academic, social and/or behavior. Please feel free to contact the school if you have a question or concern. It is important that an individual, who has a question or concern, direct it to the appropriate person.
The only fees collected in our school are for the Student Leadership Council (SLC). Grades Seven to Twelve students are asked to pay $20.00 per school year. Kindergarten to Grade 6 students are asked to pay $10.00 per school year. These funds are used in the school for various activities arranged by the SLC. These fees are due by September 30th each year.
Students may be required to pay a fee to participate in various extra-curricular activities to help cover the costs of that activity.
Lockers are provided for students in Grades Seven to Twelve. Lockers with locks are provided in the change rooms also. Only locks provided by the school may be used. Students MUST keep their lockers locked. If a student does not lock his or her locker and items go missing from the locker, it is the responsibility of the student. The school assumes no responsibility in this matter.
Students purchase locks from Westcliffe School office for $10.00 each and are expected to replace lost or damaged locks.
Kindergarten report cards are handed out twice a year (March and June).
Grades One to Nine report cards are handed out three times a year. (November, March and June)
Grades Ten to Twelve report cards are handed out four times a year (November, January, April and June)
Success in school is directly related to attendance. Students between the ages of 7 and 15 are required by law to attend school. After the age of 16 we believe students are here by choice.
We understand that there are times students will miss school. We expect parents/guardians to inform the office a minimum of 24 hours prior to the absence (excluding family emergencies).
After 5 unexplained absences teachers will contact parents/guardians to discuss concerns and academic impact. After 10 unexplained absences a meeting with parents, teachers and administration will be arranged. Continued unexplained absenteeism will fall under truancy.
Chronic lateness will be addressed by parents, teachers and administration.
All students in Grade 10 are recommended to take a full course load (no spares). A full course load consists of taking ten credits worth of subjects.
All students in Grade 11 are recommended to be in scheduled classes for at least 9 credits during the year.
All students in Grade 12 are recommended to be in scheduled classes for at least 8 credits during the year.
All students on “spares” have the choice, with guardian approval, to leave campus or go to the library or another designated spot. If students abuse this privilege they will be assigned a place to work.
Course Work is given so that the skills and concepts taught by teachers can be practiced by the students. If the course work is not complete, neither the teacher nor the student will know whether the skills and concepts have been learned.
Students at Westcliffe are expected to complete all assigned course work. Course work is to be completed on time and done to the best of each student’s ability.
If a student consistently neglects to do his or her course work, parents will be contacted by their teacher. Parents, students and teachers will meet to come up with a plan of action to help rectify the situation. If there continues to be an issue, administration will be brought in.
Saskatchewan Learning requires that students receive a minimum of 24 credits for Grade 12 matriculation. Of these credits, many are in specific classes or disciplines. Many of these classes require prerequisites. Students at Westcliffe can be assured that these requirements can be met.
In order to take part in the Westcliffe Composite School graduation ceremonies, students must meet the following minimum requirements:
A) Students must meet the qualifications for the successful completion of Grade 12 as outlined by the Saskatchewan Department of Education.
B) Students must not be under suspension.
C) A student’s overall average must be a minimum of 50% in each subject, as of June 1st.
The determination as to whether a student meets these requirements is up to the school administration.
If a student completes the educational requirements of the Adult Education Program, as outlined by Saskatchewan Learning, they will be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Falls well below provincial curricular outcomes: shows no understanding and requires intensive support.
The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. Extensive remediation is required
Does not understand the learning outcome
Lack of achievement
Well Below
Limited mastery of provincial curricular outcomes: shows minimal understanding and requires further support to learn to the knowledge and skills needed.
Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of skill or concept
Incomplete understanding of the learning outcome
Insufficient Achievement
Adequate mastery of provincial curricular outcomes: shows some degree of understanding and needs to learn to apply more knowledge and skills.
Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of skill or concept.
Yes, but
Basic understanding of the learning outcome
Basic Achievement
Generally Accurate
Demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of skill or concept.
Solid mastery of provincial curricular outcomes: shows understanding and is able to apply knowledge and skills.
Comprehensive understanding of the learning outcome
Proficient Achievement
Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding and is able to apply knowledge and skills in new situations.
Advanced mastery of provincial curricular outcomes: shows in-depth understanding and is able to apply knowledge and skills in new situations.
Advanced understanding of the learning outcome
Excellent Achievement
High Quality
In Depth
Part Four: Student Conduct
Westcliffe Composite School has a closed campus policy for students in kindergarten through grade 9.
Broadly speaking, this means that students are expected to remain on the school grounds from the time they arrive in the morning until the dismissal of classes in the afternoon. They may not leave the school grounds at recess or lunchtime.
Notwithstanding the above, several types of exemptions may apply:
Students living in town may go home for lunch, if they so choose.
Students who bring their own vehicles to school are expected to park in the area designated for this purpose. For the safety of all individuals, students who bring their own vehicles are expected to drive in a cautious and safe manner on or near the school grounds. If, in the judgment of the school Administrator, an individual is driving in a reckless manner on or near the school grounds, he or she will not be allowed to park on school property. As well, the offending individual may be reported to the RCMP.
We invite students to stay after school hours as long as they have a legitimate reason for being here. If students wish to stay after regular school hours to do school work they are more than welcome to do so. However, any student staying after school for any purpose must approach a staff member to act as his/her supervisor. Students are encouraged to stay after regular school hours to watch school sporting events. All school rules and standards of behavior apply at this time as well. Students who misbehave will be asked to leave the school.
Students riding on the school bus should dress appropriately for the weather. This is especially important in the winter. Temperatures can get extremely cold in the winter and buses can break down. It is important for students and their parents to make sure warm clothing is worn. Students are encouraged to have extra warm clothing, which can be stored on the bus during the winter months. If the school bus drivers believe a student is not dressed appropriately for the weather, he or she may revoke the student’s privilege of riding on the bus until the student is dressed in an appropriate manner.
Clothing worn at school must meet standards acceptable to the administration and the teaching staff. While dress and appearance codes must be flexible due to changing styles, students are expected to dress and be groomed in accordance with acceptable standards of good taste and appropriateness.
-Revealing clothing is inappropriate.
-Anything that demeans an individual or group is also inappropriate.
-Clothing with profane, suggestive or obscene messages or clothing making reference to alcohol, drugs, tobacco or gang related themes shall not be worn at school.
-Appropriate standards need to be respected on Spirit Days.
Students may use the school telephone with the permission of a teacher or other staff member. Phone calls made by students should be kept short and to the point. Phone calls should be made outside of class time.
Digital citizenship is defined as the norms of responsible behaviour related to the appropriate use of technology. These norms and responsibilities are an expectation in the Sun West School Division. Westcliffe Composite School is committed to providing and maintaining safe and appropriate environments conducive to learning and working for all. To improve student success and achievement, we must ensure that students feel safe, welcomed, respected and included. We want our students to be well-prepared to be successful in an evolving society. Fundamental to such success is the ability to use technology responsibly to gather, evaluate, construct and share knowledge in a 21st Century world. It is imperative that we support our students as 21st Century learners.
As individuals, we live and work in a world where people are connected to their devices at all times so we need to use technology effectively and respectfully. Digital citizenship is an important part of what we help students learn in school. Students will see teachers incorporate digital resources into their lessons. Educational online resources will be able to be accessed wirelessly through the division network. When relevant to curriculum and instruction, teachers will permit the use of any personal electronic device as a classroom learning device. Students will also be able to access educational resources using their personal devices outside the classroom, in library and other common areas. By accessing the Internet while at school students accept all terms and conditions of the Sun West School Division network and Internet use
If any staff member feels that a student is using his/her cell phone or other electronic device inappropriately, it can be confiscated and that student’s privileged can be suspended.
Food or drink cannot be consumed in the gymnasium. Any refuse from food or drink can be dangerous to students or adults participating in sporting events. As well, liquids and other food substances may damage the surface of the gymnasium floor. During sporting events the stage area is available for the consumption of food and drink. All groups using the gymnasium and stage area are asked to leave these areas neat and clean on completion of the event.
Rules and Regulations for School Buses
Student Conduct on School Buses
Conduct is regulated by provincial regulations and/or policies of the School Division.
1. While entering, riding on, or leaving the bus, the students are accountable to the driver for their behaviour.
2. Drivers reserve the right to assign seats, and students shall ride in the seat specified.
3. Students are to remain seated while the bus is in motion and keep the aisles clear at all times.
4. Students will not swear, shout, talk loudly, push, trip, hit, fight or take part in any disruptive act.
5. Unless prior permission has been granted, students will not eat or drink on the bus.
6. The Highway Traffic Board outlines what items may be carried on the bus. In addition to these rules, the driver shall also use discretion in this decision.
7. In addition to No. 6 above, students may not carry illegal drugs, alcohol, firearms, explosives, and/or flammable materials.
8. Student shall not open windows without permission from the driver, nor shall they throw anything from them or wave anything out of them, including body parts.
9. Students shall dress appropriately for the weather or carry appropriate clothing with them, especially in the winter.
10. Students must have permission prior to bringing extra students on the bus, particularly if transportation for more than one additional student is requested.
If, in the driver’s opinion, student behaviour warrants suspension, the driver shall inform the parents. The driver must also notify the principal, giving full details of the incident in writing. If the suspension is to be for more than one day, the principal shall determine the length of time, and notify the Director.
Part Six: Extra-curricular Activities and Field Trips
Westcliffe Composite School offers a number of sports and non-sports related opportunities for students. Students are encouraged to take part in these activities. Students who take part in these activities should realize that:
All school rules apply.
Extra-curricular activities are a privilege. Westcliffe students are expected to behave in a reasonable manner when representing our school. Students who do not behave in a reasonable manner may have this privilege taken away.
Transportation to and from extra-curricular events is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Drivers must have all school division forms completed. Students are expected to travel to and from the event in the arranged transportation. Parents/Guardians must be prepared to pick up their child/children immediately at the end of practice or event.
The school would like to thank you in advance for volunteering your time to help with one of Westcliffe School’s extracurricular activities.
As these activities are school based, school rules apply. We ask that parents, adult supervisors, drivers, students and teachers do not smoke, drink or use profanity at any time during the event. If an incident is reported, disciplinary action will be taken.
Part Seven: Westcliffe Composite School Discipline
In general, students at Westcliffe Composite School are expected to follow the Code of Conduct as established by the school. This section outlines specific student behaviours for which students will receive interventions and/or consequences.
Minor Offenses
1. Inappropriate Behaviours
Running and/or making excessive noise in the hall or building
Leaving the classroom without permission
Engaging in any behavior that is disruptive to the orderly process of classroom instruction
Loitering, or occupying an unauthorized place in the school or on school grounds (Student and or Staff Parking lot)
Skipping class - Failing to attend class without a valid excuse
Persistent tardiness to school or class
Leaving the school without permission
Initiating or participating in any unacceptable minor physical actions
Failing to abide by school rules and regulations not otherwise listed
Exhibiting or publishing any profane, obscene, indecent, immoral, libelous, or offensive materials, or using such language or gestures
Disregard for the instructions or direction of school personnel causing interruption to other students’ participation in school activities
Available Interventions and/or consequences:
-Documented Teacher, Student, Parent/Guardian Communication focused on expectation violated, cause of behavior, and strategy to prevent recurrence
-Recommended instructive, corrective, or restorative response (Loss of privileges)
-Detention – lunch, recess
A record of the offense will be kept in the office. Repeat minor offenses will be dealt with as a major offense.
Seriously Disruptive Behaviours
Disruptive behavior on the school bus
Profane, obscene, indecent, and immoral or seriously offensive language and gestures, propositions, behavior, or harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, gender identity, gender expression or disability
Multiple, documented Inappropriate behavior offenses
Any behavior not otherwise listed that seriously disrupts the educational process
Plagiarizing, cheating and/or copying the work of another student or other source
Plagiarism is defined as “taking someone’s words or ideas and using them as your own.”
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. A committee of teachers will review any suspected assignments. First time offences will result in a re-doing of the assignment in a specified time for half marks.
Bullying behaviors – conduct directed towards a student that can be reasonably predicted to cause fear of physical or mental harm, harm to property, and/or interfere with student’s ability to participate in school or school activities
Available Interventions and/or consequences:
-Documented Teacher, Student, Parent/Guardian Communication focused on expectation violated, cause of behavior, and strategy to prevent recurrence
-Recommended instructive, corrective, or restorative response (Loss of privileges)
-Detention – lunch, recess
-In school suspension
Repeated seriously disruptive behaviours could also result in an out of school suspension
Major Offenses:
Possession or use of illegal drugs, alcohol and other such substances
Smoking on school property
Abuse of privilege leaving the campus at noon hour
Abusive language and/or direct disobedience/disrespect to school personnel,
Vandalism - Defacing or damaging school property or the property of others
Use of school computers for the purpose of accessing non-educational materials and/or inappropriate materials
Skipping Classes Repeatedly
As well as other offenses deemed major by the school’s administration.
Available Interventions and/or consequences: One or more may apply depending on the situation at the discretion of the school’s administration
-Documented Teacher, Student, Parent/Guardian Communication focused on expectation violated, cause of behavior, and strategy to prevent recurrence
-Recommended instructive, corrective, or restorative response (Loss of privileges)
-Detention – lunch, recess
-In school suspension
-Out of school suspension
-Police involvement when necessary
According to the Saskatchewan Education Act, a school Administrator may suspend a student from school. There are two types of suspensions used at Westcliffe Composite School. In-school suspensions may be used for students whose misbehavior, in the judgment of the school Administrator, contravenes school rules but is not of an extreme nature. Out of school suspensions will be given to students whose misbehavior is of an extreme nature. Much thought and consideration is given before students are suspended. However, if in the judgment of the school Administrator the suspension is warranted, it will be given. Parents will be contacted in all cases.
Serious aggressive behavior, involving fighting or physical abuse, continued harassment, theft, and possession or use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and other such substances, may be reported to the RCMP or any other required agencies.